Raspberry Pi 4 Guide for Running Zebra

Raspberry Pi 4 Guide for Running Zebra


Running the Zebra node software on a Raspberry Pi 4 allows you to participate in the Zcash network as an independent, consensus-compatible node. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up and run Zebra on your Raspberry Pi 4.


  1. Raspberry Pi 4 (2GB RAM or higher recommended).
  2. MicroSD card (16GB or higher recommended) with Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian) installed.
  3. Stable internet connection.
  4. Keyboard, mouse, and a monitor (for initial setup).
  5. SSH client (optional, for remote access).


  1. Update Your System Open a terminal or SSH into your Raspberry Pi and ensure your system is up to date by running:
  2. sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
  3. Install Dependencies You’ll need to install some necessary dependencies for building and running Zebra:
  4. sudo apt install build-essential cmake git clang libssl-dev pkg-config

  5. Clone the Zebra Repository Open a terminal and clone the Zebra repository to your Raspberry Pi:
  6. git clone https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/zebra.git

    cd zebra

  7. Build Zebra To build Zebra, use the following commands:
  8. cargo build –release

    This process may take some time. Ensure that your Raspberry Pi is adequately cooled, as compiling can generate heat.

  9. Configuration Create a configuration file for Zebra. You can use the default configuration as a starting point:
  10. cp zcash.conf.example zcash.conf

    Edit the zcash.conf file to customize your node’s settings. You can specify the network, enable mining, set up peer connections, and more.

  11. Start Zebra You can now start Zebra with your custom configuration:
  12. ./target/release/zebrad -c zcash.conf
    git comment

    This command will start the Zebra node, and it will begin syncing with the Zcash blockchain.

  13. Monitoring You can monitor the progress and status of your Zebra node by opening a web browser and navigating to


If you encounter any issues with building or running Zebra, check the Zebra documentation for troubleshooting tips and additional information.

Make sure to keep your Raspberry Pi cool, as running a node can generate heat. You might want to use a cooling solution, such as a fan or a heat sink.


By following this guide, you should have successfully set up and run Zebra on your Raspberry Pi 4. You’re now contributing to the Zcash network as an independent node, helping to secure the privacy of Zcash transactions.